3A-LAB > Other Equipments
Because Duct less You can set it up on any time any place
It is not enough care about working tools for make inplements the whole safty and healthy Lanoratory / Industrial farm shop environment. We also introduce another Air purifier equipments to costomers.

- For Laboratory use eqipments of course not same as home appliance products. AP-N Air Purifeier also designed for laboratory / Industrial work shop use..
- In the generaly situation workers will go to Fume Hood side and start his/her job. But we will introduce the new way of conception. Air purifier MH460 come to your side.
- Combustible chemical substance nessesary to strage in the fireproof Shelfs. But just because of its airtight strucuture there is heavy chemical contamination in the shelf inside. We introduce VH400 and other VH series products that is a Fireproof chemicals storage shelf with Air pulification filter products.