3A-LAB > Duct less Fume Hood

Because Duct less You can set it up on any time any place

In present day regardless of occupation, you are in science laboratory or industrial work shop you have to adjust your work flow acording on social demands with quickly. Duct less FumeHood bring freely work flow adjustment. Another important point of view is independent duct less FumeHood equipments help you saving maintenance costs.

Products and Accessories


800 mm wide Duct less Fume Hood


1300 mm wide Duct less Fume Hood


1800 mm wide Duct less Fume Hood

16/25 mm Epoxy polyester Table top

Standard table top for NF series Fume Hood

19/25 mm Epoxy polyester Table top

Suitable for high accuracy (1/100,000) powder weighing

Stainless steel Table top

Easy maintenance table top (Not suitable for use Acidic substance)

Tenpered glass Table top

Highly anti- corrosiveness table top (Not suitable for use Hydrogen fluoride)

Filter module for Vapor

There is four different kind of Vapor filters for choose

HEPA filter module for Particulate

99.995% Efficiency of filtration for bigger than 0.3 um Particulate

Frame for Fume Hood with trolly

For small size Fume Hood model

Basement for Fume Hood with trolly

For small and middle size Fume Hood model

Frame for Fume Hood with trolly

For all size Fume Hood model

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